The big top wonder
Today we took our visiting little grandson to watch the circus which has become one of the regular features of summer vacation and Chithirai festival synchronizing in our temple city of Madurai.
My childlike glee at watching the circus proves beyond any doubt an already confirmed fact that the child in me never grew up! I was speelbound, entranced, mesmerized.
Felt the same awe, wonder and amazement I would have felt more than 5 decades ago! Half a century could not wither the charm of this great entertainment.
Every aspect of it enthralled me: the way the muscle, sinew and bone are flexed; the superb discipline and training evinced; the dazzling dress of the performers; the hilariously silly pranks of the buffoons and so on.
It is not only the adroit acrobatics and juggling acts of the young men and women which fill me with delight but also the antics of the animals like elephants, dogs, parrots and horses.
Even after watching circus for countless times it is strangely and not so strangely surprising how trapeze remains my top favourite event in the circus. The perfect timing and absolute understanding of the team members make it a wonderfully ravishing event to watch. The grace and elegance seen in it are matchless. Is that the secret of enduring romance too?